There are more than 100 cannabinoids present in hemp and marijuana plants. CBN (Cannabinol) is the very first one discovered out of them. Rober S. Cahn, a British chemist, first discovered its partial structure in the early 1930s and then fully formed one in 1940.
Despite this, it still remains a relatively lesser-known and less-used cannabinoid. CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) usually take most of the spotlight and are the most common ones available in various oils, gummies, and topicals.
But CBN is no less effective in terms of wellness efficacy; this lesser-known cannabinoid has its own bag full of multiple potential health benefits. In this article, we will explore the world of this minor cannabinoid and its science-backed potential health benefits.
What Is CBN?
CBN stands for cannabinol. It’s a cannabinoid mainly found in older, dried, and aged marijuana plants. You cannot find cannabinoids in young and ripe marijuana plants, and in hemp plants, the chances are even more bleak.
Why? Well, because it’s formed by the oxidation of THC. Hemp plants hardly have THC in them; hence, you can’t get it from there. In older marijuana plants, THCA, the acidic form of THC, breaks down through the action of specific enzymes after a long duration of exposure to oxygen and UV rays from sunlight.
This oxidation process converts the THCA into CBNA, and by further decarboxylation of CBNA, we get the CBN. Interesting, right? You can tryColorado Botanicals CBN sleep aid for improving your sleep quality.
Can CBN Make Me High?
No, CBN cannot make you high. While some people might be hesitant because its parent, THC, has intoxicating properties, CBN simply doesn’t have those. But, unlike CBD, which is completely non-psychoactive, CBN does have the tendency to be mildly psychoactive when taken in very high dosages.
Hence, the chances of getting high or stoned when taking CBN oil as part of your daily wellness routine are next to none. In fact, it can have slightly heavy sedative effects because of its affinity for strongly binding and influencing the CB2 receptor. Because of this, it serves as one of the best cannabinoids for inducing sleep and calmness.
Potential Science-Backed Health Benefits of CBN
Now that we know its history and working, let’s take a look at the potential science-backed health benefits of CBN.
1. Improve Sleep Quality
As we discussed above, CBN has a powerful sedative effect, which can make you calm and relaxed when incorporated into your daily routine. The research is still very limited, though some small studies in animals show that CBN is quite effective in prolonging sleep duration.
In some cases, it’s been found that CBN works even better for sleep when taken in conjunction with THC. Even if the research is limited, there’s enough anecdotal evidence from people across the web advocating for CBN’s efficacy in improving their sleep. That’s why it’s also known as “sleepy cannabinoid.”.
2. Appetite Stimulation
Anyone who has tried THC-based products knows the sudden urge to eat something, often known as munchies. Similarly, CBN also works on the endocannabinoid system and can stimulate our appetite.
So if you feel the urge to chomp on a cold pizza or Cheetos packet after a few drops of CBN oil, don’t get worried, it’s completely normal. In some animal studies, it’s noted that CBN has appetite stimulation properties, making it a potentially harmful effects-free product for people with low appetite or anorexia.
3. Relief From Pain and Inflammation
Cannabinoid infusions are known for reducing pain and inflammation. CBN carries on that legacy. Just like the famous CBD, CBN can protect you from pain and inflammation-related issues like muscle soreness, joint pain, cardiovascular inflammation, arthritis, and other related diseases. In some small animal studies, CBN has proven effective in protecting against fibrosis.
4. Protection from Glaucoma
Glaucoma is an eye-related disease that damages the patient’s optic nerves and can result in permanent vision loss. A recently published study found that CBN improves neuroprotection, controls the change in ECM protein, and normalizes intraocular pressure levels in glaucoma patients. This shows that CBN has great potential in the treatment of eye-related diseases.
5. Antibacterial Properties
One study shows that CBN is one of the most effective cannabinoids for reducing bacterial growth. The study was focused on observing the effects of CBN in the treatment of dental plaque. Results showed that CBN targets the bacterial cell membrane and disrupts its ability to grow, effectively bringing down the bacterial colony. Another older study found that CBN is effective against MRSA-related bacterial infections, which are typically resistant to antibiotic treatment.
6. Bone Health and Growth
As we grow up, our bone density tends to reduce, which makes them brittle and prone to fracture. Studies have shown that CBN can activate stem cell growth in bones, which results in new bone cell formation. It also serves as an effective remedy for reducing bone density loss, hence providing protection from osteoporosis. In short, CBN has bone-healing properties.
7. Seizures
Just like CBD and THC, CBD also has anticonvulsant properties. Studies have shown that CBN can provide protection from epilepsy and other seizure-related issues. CBN works as an effective anticonvulsant by binding to the TRPA1 receptor, managing and streamlining the abnormal electrical activities in the brain. Though more research is needed on it, the initial results are quite favorable.
8. Cancer Growth
The effects of CBN in cancer treatment are quite preliminary as of now. However, more research is happening in this space, and some specific controlled study data shows that CBN may have the capability to reduce cancer cell growth. In some trials, it was found that CBN and a group of other cannabinoids were effective in reducing the tumor size in a specific lung cancer case.
9. Mood Booster
Feeling down or distressed after a long and hectic day? CBN can help you with that. CBN has mood-boosting properties. Because of its strong tendency to dominate CB2 receptors, CBN is able to make you feel calm, composed, and relaxed. Taking CBD regularly can result in relief from various immune system-related issues and discomfort.
To sum it up, despite being a minor and lesser-known cannabinoid, CBN has a plethora of potential health benefits. Its sleep-inducing properties are perfect for people dealing with insomnia and other sleep-related issues. CBN can also help you with pain, appetite, bone density, and even eye health-related issues. Unlike CBD, it has mild psychoactive properties, but only when taken in very high dosages. For better sleep and gut health, you should definitely consider CBN-infused cannabinoid products. Remember, always start with a low dose and stay hydrated. Always try to buy CBN oil and other cannabinoid products through reputed brands like Colorado Botanicals, which provide you with the latest third-party lab test reports.